Welcome to St John's Church, Ravenhead

We're a Church of England parish based in St Helens and a charity who run a community centre for the benefit of the local area.

We hold services that echo through the centuries alongside contemporary language services with modern music styles.

We hope you will find the information you need here, but if you would like to know anything that's not covered, please feel free to get in touch with us, or come along to one of our services and speak to us.

About Us / Information for Visitors / Donate

Monthly - Sunday
8:30am BCP Holy Communion (Week 4)

Weekly - Sunday
11:00am Service of the Word (Weeks 1, 2, 4, 5)
11:00am Service of Holy Communion (Week 3)
Kids' Church meets during the 11am services

Occasional - Midweek & Holy Baptism
Please contact us for details

Full Service Schedule