St John's Church Launches Project 2019
Sunday 27th December 2015
Project 2019 logo

The congregation of St John's Church together launched Project 2019 at our 10:45am Dedication Festival service today.

Project 2019 is a programme of aims developed in-house which the Church will aim to achieve ahead of St John's Church's 150th anniversary in 2019.

Watch the Project 2019 Launch Video here...

146 years to the day since St John's Church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester on the Festival Day of St John, Apostle & Evangelist in 1869, our modern congregation gathered to once more fill the Church with the sound of prayer and worship.

During Project 2019, the Church will attempt to achieve the flagship goal, which is to guarantee the provision of Christian worship in Ravenhead by securing the future of St John's Church for future generations of worshippers by having...

  • increased regular worshippers as measured by our electoral roll to at least 150 - one for every year the Church has been open, representing an increase target of at least 12 per year from 2015.
  • achieved 'Child Friendly Church' certification from the Diocese of Liverpool
  • formed an effective and outward looking children and youth ministry
  • encouraged a fellowship with a love of Bible study and prayer
  • resumed our full contribution to Parish Share, with no, or substantially reduced, arrears
  • maximised the uptake of Gift Aid donations
  • taken a decision regarding the future of Emmanuel, and have developed and implemented a new vision for the building and land if it is retained
  • encouraged a new generation of volunteers in our fellowship
  • developed a coherent and standardised recruitment policy and a management and support structure for staff and volunteers
  • reclaimed the Church's position as a community body
  • developed a consolidated communications strategy
  • enjoyed a series of events throughout 2019 to celebrate, and have commissioned a permanent installation marking our 150th anniversary
- Click here to download the Project 2019 aims booklet

The service included hymns which spoke of mission and togetherness, such as 'Admidst The Darkness, May Your Gospel Shine' and 'Be Thou My Vision', while an order of service drawing heavily on the Order for a Dedication Festival was used.

The congregation were given copies of the Project 2019 aims booklet, which will be available again at services next week, and available to download from a special Project 2019 section of this website, which will be online shortly.

The hope is that by working together to achieve these goals, we can draw closer as a congregation under God. We also hope that, as we advertise for our new vicar, Project 2019 will speak to those who consider Ravenhead as a place of vision, while the aims themselves will come together to secure the long-term future of our Church.

Project 2019 - '... to give you hope and a future.'

Project 2019 Events so far...
December 2015: Launch Service
April 2016: Noel & Tricia Richards in Concert
Sept 2016: Heritage Open Weekends